Here is an example I've put together using ColdFusion (and a bit of RegEx) to validate and add closing HTML tags to your content:
<cffunction access="private" name="validateHtml" output="false" returntype="any"> <cfargument name="html" required="true" type="string"> <cfscript> var token = "[[:word:]]+|[^[:word:]<]|(?:<(\/)?([[:word:]]+)[^>]*(\/)?>)|<"; var selfClosingTag = "^(?:[hb]r|img)$"; var output = ""; var tag = ""; var openTags = ""; var strPos = 0; var i = 1; var match = reFind( token, html, i, "true" ); // find tags while( match.pos[1] ) { // if this is an HTML tag if( match.pos[3] ) { output &= mid( html, match.pos[1], match.len[1] ); tag = mid( html, match.pos[3], match.len[3] ); // if this is not a self-closing tag if ( !( match.pos[4] || reFindNoCase( selfClosingTag, tag ) ) ) { // if this is a closing tag if( match.pos[2] && listFindNoCase( openTags, tag ) ) { openTags = listDeleteAt( openTags, listFindNoCase( openTags, tag ) ); } else { openTags = listAppend( openTags, tag ); } } } else { output &= mid( html, match.pos[1], match.len[1] ); } i += match.len[1]; match = reFind( token, html, i, "true" ); } // close any tags which were left open while( listLen( openTags ) ) { output &= ""; openTags = listDeleteAt( openTags, listLen( openTags ) ); } return output; </cfscript> </cffunction>
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